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Video consultations.. whats it all about!
Video consultations.. whats it all about!

How you book in
First of all, you can book in using our online booking system (Here) which stores your contact details. Once a booking has been made, we will email you a medical questionnaire so you can tell us more about your medical history and the history of your current problem.
How we communicate
Skype, Facetime or Zoom can be used as they are secure and easy to operate. Some of them offer a screen sharing option which is great if we are trying to show you some videos on anatomy or of a specific exercise.
How your diagnosis is made
With a video consultation we can take a full history of your problem. We can explore your work and sport patterns to get an idea of your typical week. We can discuss your type of pain and its behaviour. We can delve into any treatment or self-rehab you have had to date and decide on goals for the future. We can watch how you move or we can get you to perform a few special tests. By watching and listening to you we should be able to diagnose the problem.
How you get better
We talk about how we are going to get you moving pain free again by first demonstrating and then watching you perform selected exercises to ensure that you have good technique and that you are pain free. Finally, we can email you a progressive rehab programme using the special software below so you wont forget!

Exercise prescriber software image

Booking system image